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[[strikethrough]] During the later period at Foggia George was commanding officer of the camp and this is as same typewritten memorial stated equivalent in rank as commanding a regiment. [[/strikethrough]]
[[note in left margin]] Nina in Washington as typist in the U. Navy under Rear Admiral Strother-Smith [[/note in margin]]
[[red underline]] Nina is [[/red underline]] writing some letters to her mother which seem to contain the right feeling. She begins to realize what mother and a comfortable home mean.
Sept 8. (Sunday) A cold rainy day, spent in reading. [[red underline]] News from the front continues as well. [[/red underline]]
Sept 9. Afternoon went to University Club.
Sept 10. [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] and myself drove to Perth Amboy over Dyckman Street. [[red underline]] New draft of men between 31 and 46 means considerable disturbance in our organization [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] near everybody being within these ages. [[/red underline]] If we are to lose these employees our work will almost be put at a standstill but I hope to show good reason why [[red underline]] they should be exempted for this important work. 
Rossi [[/red underline]] tells me a much [[red underline]] more serious problem [[/red underline]] is the restlessness of our workmen, specially the foreign born, who change from one job to another at the slightest whim. [[red underline]] Same has been told to me in other factories. [[/red underline]] The result is that being idle frequently in [[strikethrough]] ch [[/strikethrough]] search of new jobs they [[red underline]] profit very little by high wages. [[/red underline]] Many are only utilizing high wages for working [[red underline]]only a few days a week spending the remainder in idleness. [[/red underline]]
[[strikethrough]] Celine an [[/strikethrough]] 
Took supper with