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[[red underline]] nitrate explosives. [[/red underline]] Pouring rain all day went to see Dr [[red underline]] George E Hale [[/red underline]] but he has left for London, ditto [[red underline]] Durant, ditto Millikan [[/red underline]] is away. Evening went for supper at Brickensteins.
Sept 21. Fair weather. [[red underline]] Naval Consulting Board [/red underline]] met for first time at [[red underline]] new Navy Building where we have new offices [[/red underline]]. Afternoon met [[red underline]] Manning [[/red underline]] who explained to me how Army had politely ousted him out of the [[red underline]] Gas Chemical department which he originated. [[/red underline]]
Then conference with [[red underline]] Beal and Smoots about Cyclohexan. [[/red underline]] I notice [[red underline]] everywhere new office buildings for army have arisen like mushrooms [[/red underline]] during the last three months [[red underline]] Washington [[/red underline]] looks busier
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than ever since we entered the war. Received a letter from [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] telling me [[red underline]] (Aug 31) [[/red underline]] he is going to leave for [[red underline]] England and is glad to go to a country where he will not have to feel contempt and disgust at the traits and characteristics of the population. [[/red underline]] He has seen for the first time some [[red underline]] Liberty Motors. "They look good to me" [[/red underline]] he says and adds that all the [[red underline]] Italians are very enthusiastic about them. 
Manning Director of Bureau of mines [[/red underline]] asked me to visit him. He told me the [[red underline]] way the experimental laboratory of gas division and similar work which he had started when ordinance department refused to act, [[/red underline]] has been wrenched from him by General [[red underline]] Sibert. He seems to resent it [[/red underline]] very much and complained bit-