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-nation and discussion [[red underline]] Our air-men participating in the advance of the allies. [[/red underline]] I wonder where [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] is now. [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] sent him a cable a few days ago but no answer
Oct 10. [[red underline]] Rumors that the Kaiser has abdicated. German armies driven further East. [[/red underline]] [[red !! in left margin]] Retreat seems to become a route. They [[red underline]] still find time [[/red underline]] to [[red underline]] burn and destroy [[/red underline]] the towns and villages they evacuate.
Went to [[red underline]] Columbia. [[/red underline]] DJ. Jackson is [[red underline]] ill with influenza. Nothing but uniformed soldier-sturdents [[/red underline]] there now except some women students. [[red underline]] Everything a martial air. [[/red underline]]
Evening supper at the Club had long talk with Governor [[red underline]] McCall of Massachusetts. [[/red underline]] He tells
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me that [[red underline]] Wilson's [[/red underline]] note seems [[red underline]] very suitable [[/red underline]] and well [[red underline]] conceived. McCalls is Republican [[/red underline]] but no blind partisan as so many others.
Oct 11. Beautiful weather. We got three letters from [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] in England. all give further evidence [[red underline]] of a new mind and a new man born [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] since ten months from the boy who left us. Says discipline in his new american camp in England is decidedly [[/red underline]] [[red !! in left margin]] ahead of anything he saw in continental armies. And [[red underline]] all this from a country which the Germans decides is unprepared for the raising of an army. [[/red underline]] [[red !! in left margin]] His letters for the first time complain of [[red underline]] too much flying until he is dead tired. [[/red underline]] Some days he made as much as [[red underline]] 60 flights in [[/red underline]] succession with different machines.