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Says his [[red underline]] present work [[/red underline]] only a side matter [[red underline]] to big important work of such a nature that "Jules Verne is no longer in it". [[red underline]] [[Two large red exclamation points in left margin]]  I wonder whether he refers to that raid of a squadron of [[red underline]] 300 airplanes announced [[/red underline]] to have occured two days ago?  Met Mr. Terry and Beans of [[red underline]] Westinghouse [[/red underline]] Co by appointment to talk over (with Terry) the questions now pending in Committee of Patents of [[red underline]] National Research Council. [[/red underline]] Then remainder of afternoon was given to discuss present situation of [[red underline]] Redmanol [[/red underline]] infringements.  I spoke very candidly about situation and I believe [[red underline]] Mr. Terry at least [[/red underline]] is convinced that the present reported postponements of our adversaries
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are most irritating to me personally and entirely contrary to my personal desire and my own interests.
Evening took supper at University Club.  [[red underline]] Pupin [[/red underline]] seems jubilant [[red underline]] about later news. [[/red underline]]
Oct 12.  [[red underline]] Cornelia [[/red underline]] here; has received letter from [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] that he is [[red underline]] instructing specially in night-flying. [[/red underline]] I am sure that [[red underline]] direct work at the front is less dangerous than this job - specially if they keep him flying until he is as tired as he described in his former letter  Further good news from the war.  The retreat of the Germans [[/red underline]] begins to look more and more [[red underline]] like a  rout. [[/red underline]]  Arrogance and impudence of the Germans seems to give place to [[red underline]] whining and fear. [[/red underline]] I am astonished to read what their [[red underline]] newspapers dare write now [[/red underline  I always considered the