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Germans as "fair weather sailors". A few days ago I wrote a personal letter to Admiral W. Strother Smith telling him I should like to see [[underlined in red]] Nina [[/underlined in red]] do some useful work in the Navy somewhere where she would have to stand on her own merits and no favors would be shown to her, and thus be worthy of her brother and her distinguished mother. 
To day [[underlined in red]] received special [[/underlined in red]] delivery letter from him that position of [[underlined in red]] Yeoman is open for her at his office [[/underlined in red]] I wired directly to [[underlined in red]] Omaha Nebraska [[/underlined in red]] to her and late at night received her answer that she is [[underlined in red]] glad to accept. [[/underlined in red]] 
I read that book of [[underlined in red]] Dr.
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[[underlined in red]] Mühlon, [[/underlined in red]] formerly director of Krupps and who got out of Germany and is now in Switzerland. No man can be [[underlined in red]] more disgusted with Germany [[/underlined in red]] and all what it represents than he, [[underlined in red]] himself a German but an honest [[/underlined in red]] man. His book is one of the very greatest [[underlined in red]] indictments of [[/underlined in red]] Germany, the [[underlined in red]] Kaiser, [[/underlined in red]] and the whole [[underlined in red]] military and capitalistic [[/underlined in red]] class of Germany. He is just as severe about his [[underlined in red]] Professors for whom he expresses decided contempt. [[/underlined in red]] 
I wonder what news tomorrow's papers will bring us.- A revolution in Germany or the acceptance of [[underlined in red]] Wilson's terms [[/underlined in red]] or a [[underlined in red]] tricky answer? [[/underlined in red]]
Oct 13 (Sunday) Great news! 
[[margin, red pencil]] !! [[/margin, red pencil]] 
The answer to [[underlined in red]] Wilson's [[/underlined in red]] note seems to be a [[underlined in red]] complete acquiescence! [[/underlined in red]] There is no longer