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[[red underlined]] Yeoman [[/red underlined]] petty-officer for office work in Washington
Oct. 14. At 11:30 A.M the [[red underlined]] Naval Consulting Board [[/red underlined]] had a meeting at the United Engineering Building with Sir [[red underlined]] Eric Geddes, [[/red underlined]] First Sea-Lord of Great Britain etc and his staff composed of Naval Officers among them Captain [[red underlined]] Fuller. [[/red underlined]] also an officer of the Navy. [[red underlined]] Lt. Col. McLellan [[/red underlined]] specially detailed on inventions. Besides Rear Admiral [[red underlined]] W. S. Smith [[/red underlined]] there were two other [[red underlined]] U.S.N. [[/red underlined]] officers. The whole Naval Board there [[red underlined]] except Edison [[/red underlined]] who on account of [[red underlined]] slight illness [[/red underlined]] and in view of the prevaling [[red underlined]] epidemic of pneumonia [[/red underlined]] had been advised by his physician to stay home.
[[red underlined]] Geddes looks less like an [[/red underlined]]
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[[two red exclamation points in left margin]]
[[red underlined]] Englishman than like one of our best and healthiest looking policeman of Fifth Avenue or Broadway. [[/red underlined]] He is dressed very plainly in a rather worn ill fitting serge-business suit, and looks more [[red underlined]] like an average hard working American business man. [[/red underlined]] 
His address was directly to the point that the [[red underlined]] present invented device for locating submarines had proved entirely inadequate for the needs. [[/red underlined]] That better is required. That he realizes the difficulty of the problem yet [[red underlined]] we must find better ways to locate subs because of later construction of better subs [[/red underlined]] in Germany exceeds again destruction. Specially since our ^[[available]]  [[red underlined]] destroyers can not be employed so much in hunting submarines as in assuring safe escort of our transports which [[/red underlined]]