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[[Newspaper article attached to black page]]
[[image: printed rectangular with curved sides and black squares in corner. Stamped inside: New York Sun 15 October 1918]]
Geddes Consults
Naval Board Here
[[short solid line]]
New Type of Torpedo Inspected After Meeting.
[[short solid line]]
Sir Eric Geddes, head of the British Admiralty, and his staff spent an hour yesterday at a meeting of the Naval Consultation Board in the rooms of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 25 West Thirty-ninth street. The session was executive, but it was announced that topics of "great interest" to the Government were discussed. After the meeting the members went to New Jersey to inspect a new type of torpedo.
Those at the meeting included W. L. Saunders, chairman; Hudson Maxim, Dr. L. H. Bakeland, Yonkers; Prof. Joseph W. Richards, Bethlehem, Pa.; Dr. A. G. Webster, Worcester, Mass.; Spencer Miller, South Orange, N. J.; Dr. M. R. Hutchison, Orange, N. J.; Andres L. Riker, Fairfield, Conn.; A. M. Hunt, New York; B. G. Lamme, Pittsburg, Pa.; w. R. L. Emmet, Schenectady, N. Y.; Frank J. Sprague, New York; Alfred Craven, New York; B. B. Thayer, New York; Howard E. Coffin, Detroit; Lawrence Addicks, Elizabeth, N. J.; Elmer A. Sperry, Brooklyn; Rear Admiral W. Strothers Smith, Lieut.-Col. B. J. Arnold, Major J. B. Whitehead, Major, R. D. Mershon and Capt. G. Francis Gray, U. S. A.