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[[underlined in red]] Consternation in Germany and Austria Hungary. Nina [[/underlined in red]] came back from [[underlined in red]] Omaha. [[/underlined in red]] 
Afternoon Mr. [[underlined in red]] Toniolo [[/underlined in red]] an Italian Chemical Engineer here; was sent by his Government to inquire in [[underlined in red]] synthetic nitrate problem. [[/underlined in red]] Took him out in car up the Hudson as far as Peekskill. He tells us that coal in Italy now costs [[underlined in red]] 750 [[strikethrough]] frac [[/strikethrough]] Lire [[/underlined in red]] a ton! Last year it cost [[underlined in red]] 1000 Lire [[/underlined in red]] a ton. Eggs cost [[underlined in red]] 15 cents a piece. [[/underlined in red]] butter and milk non existent. 
[[strikethrough]] We increased our [[/strikethrough]] At my suggestion the directors of General Bakelite Co agreed to [[underlined in red]] increase our subscription to 4th Liberty [[/underlined in red]] Loan to a total of [[underlined in red]] $200,000 [[/underlined in red]] 
Deaths [[strikethrough]] thru [[/strikethrough]] by contagious Pneumonia - [[underlined in red]] influenza are more and more serious, and [[/underlined in red]]
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are upsetting everything. [[underlined in red]] Schools theatres, churches etc. [[/underlined in red]] closed in Yonkers and many other communities. In Perth Amboy about [[underlined in red]] 40% of our help are ill in bed. [[/underlined in red]]
Oct 17. Received a cablegram from [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] (England) that he is well but very busy.
Oct. 18. [[underlined in red]] Allies driving the Germans from Belgian coast. Ostende and Bruges [[/underlined in red]] liberated. German Army retreating fast towards [[underlined in red]] Ghent. [[/underlined in red]] Roulers and Courtrai are evacuated.
Met [[underlined in red]] Pupin and Chandler [[/underlined in red]] at University Club. [[underlined in red]] Chandler [[/underlined in red]] wants all [[underlined in red]] Perkin [[/underlined in red]] medalists to have their portrait painted [[underlined in red]] I do not relinquish the idea at all as far as the living Perkin medalists are concerned and do not enjoy the prospect of having my portrait hung [[/underlined in red]]