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[[underlined in red]] Herbert Satterlee [[/underlined in red]] joined us and evening was spent [[underlined in red]] discussing [[/underlined in red]] recent events [[underlined in red]] and international [[/underlined in red]] politics and [[indications?]] of future All [[underlined in red]] feel happy at recent events. Pupin [[/underlined in red]] speaks of buying a house in [[underlined in red]] Ragusa [[/underlined in red]] where to spend his winters. [[underlined in red]] Everybody feels cheerful. End of war is in sight. [[/underlined in red]] It seems doubtful as if [[underlined in red]] Germany could do anything but surrender entirely [[/underlined in red]] Still many think that Germany may [[underlined in red]] make a last desperate [[/underlined in red]] effort perhaps with her navy. 
Nov 2. I stayed at University Club. [[underlined in red]] Meeting Naval Consulting [[/underlined in red]] Board in Robins office. I have invited [[underlined in red]] Pupin [[/underlined in red]] to present an [[underlined in red]] outline of his work. [[/underlined in red]] Evening supper at University Club with Admiral [[underlined in red]] W. S. Smith, Dr. de Vecchi, Lieutenant DeMan and Pupin. Interesting conversation on
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international politics, sociology [[/underlined in red]] etc. [[underlined in red]] Every new edition of the newspapers is like drawing a prize in a lottery. Italian Army advancing [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] and [[strikethrough]] reso [[/strikethrough]] demanding entire surrender of Austrians. Harbor of [[underlined in red]] Poland and Austrian ships in hands [[/underlined in red]] of [[underlined in red]] Czecho-Slovaks. Every morning I am anxiously awaiting arrival of newspapers. [[/underlined in red]] This morning [[underlined in red]] I was up at 6 A. M. [[/underlined in red]] but had to wait till [[underlined in red]] 8 A M. [[/underlined in red]] before I got the papers. 
Nov 3. (Sunday) [[underlined in red]] Lieut. De Man [[/underlined in red]] found me at University Club for breakfast. Then we went together to Yonkers via Subway and trolley. [[strikethrough]] There some lack of care [[/strikethrough]] Tessie there for lunch and supper. [[underlined in red]] Albert better and out of bed, [[/underlined in red]] his children better too [[underlined in red]] but his wife now very ill [[/underlined in red]] with pneumonia. [[underlined in red]] James [[/underlined in red]] carelessly started steamboiler without closing