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Nov 7. Early to meeting of directors of General Bakelite Co. All there. Discussed with Hamman necessity of [[underlined in red]] stopping purchases of Cresol and of selling some of the Cresol ordered in England and not yet shipped [[/underlined in red]] so as not to have [[underlined in red]] too large a reserve by the time the war stops. [[/underlined in red]] It is very probable that war will be over before end of winter perhaps sooner.
After meeting Dr. [[underlined in red]] Takamine came with Taguchi, [[/underlined in red]] told him my project of founding [[underlined in red]] Nippon - Bakelite Co of which Sankyo [[/underlined in red]] and General Bakelite Co would [[underlined in red]] be equal stockholders. [[/underlined in red]] 
[[vertical red line in left margin extending to bottom of page with two red exclamation points beside it]]
Seems to be pleased with my proposal. After I left the office and [[entered?]] Broadway with them I found Broadway very crowded and considerable animation and newspaper
[[/vertical red line]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
extra in big headlines say [[underlined in red]] "WAR IS OVER" and "GERMANY SURRENDERS" [[/underlined in red]] etc. 
[[margin, red pencil]] !! [[/margin, red pencil]] [[underlined in red]] Great excitement, [[/underlined in red]] the steam whistles and [[underlined in red]] big alarm siren begin to blow [[/underlined in red]] and shriek, people shout and laugh and begin to celebrate. Men and women leave their offices and stop their work and swarm in the Broadway canion and side streets. 
Ticker tape and torn bits of paper thrown out of the windows, glitter like big snow flakes in the bright sun shine, and cover the street with white. Everybody feels happy. I cannot imagine that it is all over. [[underlined in red]] So happy at the thought that George [[/underlined in red]] will soon be back and that good luck has spared him to us. Papers also say that the [[underlined in red]] crew of the German Warships in Kiel have mutinied [[/underlined in red]]