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[[underlined in red]] the big events happening so rapidly in succession [[/underlined in red]] Few if any seem to doubt that formal surrender of German Army [[underlined in red]] will occur to night or to morrow. Celine [[/underlined in red]] has been to Yonkers to our house. After reading the papers. [[underlined in red]] Robert Bridges [[/underlined in red]] of "Scribner's" and I walked to [[ Two large red exclamation points in left margin]]  Claremont Restaurant along Riverside Drive. Beautiful bright crisp day. Many [[underlined in red]] warship American, French and British [[/underlined in red]] in the [[strikethrough]] Riv [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] Hudson. [[/underlined in red]] We both feel [[underlined in red]] great events are happening. Lunch there then walked back.
Nov 11. I had little or no sleep last night. [[underlined in red]] I was so impressed with all what is happening [[/underlined in red]] and what we may expect that I could not sleep except for
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short intervals. Reread the latest newspapers all over again till late. [[underlined in red]] Shall to night or to morrow bring us the news [[red question mark if left margin]] that the terms of the Allies have been accepted? At 2:30 A. M. got awake. X [[margin, vertical]] X at Gotham hotel where I stayed with Celine awaiting events [[/margin, vertical]] While thus lying in the dark if seemed to me as if a [[strikethrough]] faint [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] very faint [[/underlined in red]] continuous sound I heard might be a [[strikethrough]] str [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] distant steam whistle or siren. [[/underlined in red]] But it was so faint and indistinct that it might well be the hum of a near by electric motor or a steam pipe. [[underlined in red]] I was watching [[margin, vertical red pencil]] Armistice! [[/margin, vertical red pencil]] the sound with much attention for about 20 or 30 minutes. [[/underlined in red]] Then it seemed to me that it increased and that [[underlined in red]] another faint sound had [[/underlined in red]] joined. - [[underlined in red]] Yes distinctly the sound becomes more distinct. Other whistles are adding I awaken Celine. [[/underlined in red]] [[underlined in red and black]] Peace [[/underlined in red and black]]