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[[red underline]] Celine to Yonkers. Katie is worse and has pneumonia. [[/red underline]]
Evening went to dinner at [[red underline]] Metropolitan Club as a guest of the Council of Foreign Relations. [[/red underline]] Discussion on our future relations with [[red underline]] Great Britain, Australian and English representatives [[/red underline]] there.  One says [[strikethrough]] wh [[/strikethrough]] that order in newly liberated countries will be insured if they have the assistance of [[red underline]] British Magistrates and American Teachers. [[strikethrough]] A man [[/strikethrough]]  Mencken [[/red underline]] uses opportunity for a political tirade [[red underline]] against the Administration [[/red underline]], he says [[red underline]] Wilson [[/red underline]] should not appoint Peace council delegates but [[red underline]] American Senate. [[/red underline]] He overlooks that our [[red underline]] Senate is not a proportionate representation [[/red underline]] of population, but he knows that his Senate will probably
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select [[strikethrough]] Repu [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] reliable Republicans. [[/red underline]] Same petty political, tendencies [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] ^[[during]] this great epoch! [[red underline]] Wickersham [[/red underline]] looks and acts like a [[red underline]] foxy politician-lawyer. [[/red underline]] Is against a League of Nations. Filene of Boston and Kingsley on the contrary emitted opinions liberal and broadminded worthy of our Republic.
Nov 13. Celine to Yonkers. [[red underline]] Katie worse [[/red underline]] seems as if we were going to lose [[red underline]] dear faithful Katie too [[/red underline]].
Afternoon went to De Muth's office explained him the situation of [[strikethrough]] our [[/strikethrough]] work with light-proof transparent material.
Evening [[red underline]] Pupin [[/red underline]] dined with us at Gotham.  [[red underline]] Pupin [[/red underline]] undoubtedly has something of [[red underline]] the Levantine in him.  His remark that Democracy can never give us beautiful artistic things is Autocracy in referring to a painting in the hotel depic-