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able to leave on Saturday. Since several days I feel as if something were wrong with me. [[/red underline]] Headaches, pressure on the brain inflames right eyelid and surrounding skin. heaviness [[red underline]] after every meal even when taking very light meals. The[[/red underline]] vacation in Florida on my boat seems in order. [[red underline]]
Went to see a [[/red underline]] wartime play "The better 'Ole" [[red underline]] a set of military sketches at the front. Very amusing and well played.
Dec 5. This morning [[strike-through]] which [[/strike-through]] I was at breakfast at the University Club reading my newspaper and getting ready to go to Younkers so as to dictate my letter and have more time free tomorrow or Saturday when George will be released. A waiter came to me and quietly announced
[[left margin]] !! [[/left margin]] [[red underline]] "Dr. Baekeland, your son is on the main floor." [[/red underline]] In my 
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excitement I rushed out and threw over a chair, an unusual occurrence in this great dining room. Truly [[red underline]]
there was George rosy cheeked, and healthy looking in a splendid uniform, looks even taller than before.  [[/red underline]] Car was outside with [[red underline]]
Celine [[/red underline]] waiting. [[strike-through]] [[?]] [[/strike-through]] [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]]
had [[red underline]] slipped out last night [[/red underline]] and had arrived at [[red underline]] "Snug Rock [[/red underline]] where he [[red underline]] stayed overnight and is now on his way back [[/red underline]] to report at Camp Mills. So we drove up all together. Camp looks much more cheerful than 13 months ago when he left and when all the buildings were under construction and everything busy, hauling and waiting. [[red underline]] All the boys just returned look happy  George's [[strike-through]] Major [[/strike-through]] commanding officer, major Waring a  [[/red underline]] fine looking man with a