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[[underlined in red]] to be pretty well fed - up on military frills [[/underlined in red]] and a year and [[underlined in red]] a half of the thing seems to have given him enough of it. Little danger of his becoming a militant. [[/underlined in red]]
I notice that he is [[underlined in red]] more [[strikethrough]] nervous than a [[/strikethrough]] restless than ever. More soldiers returning [[/underlined in red]] every day. All impatient to be mustered out. Some way or another [[underlined in red]] army is as slow in this matter as in everything [[/underlined in red]] else. In the mean time men in uniform [[underlined in red]] are chafing to go home [[/underlined in red]] and take up their interrupted work. [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] nor his fellow - officers up till now knows [[strikethrough]] kn [[/strikethrough]] nothing when he will be free again. In the meantime they have to be around camp with [[underlined in red]] nothing to do [[/underlined in red]] and for [[underlined in red]] no apparent purpose. [[/underlined in red]]
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[[underlined in red]] Taxpayers furnish the cash!  George [[/underlined in red]] has a [[underlined in red]] very low [[/underlined in red]] opinion of [[underlined in red]] the Italian [[/underlined in red]] in general and of [[underlined in red]] their army in particular. [[/underlined in red]] and says same opinion was prevalent among Americans and Britishers Yesterday at the University Club, while I was introducing [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] to some of my friends I saw [[underlined in red]] Patrick the waiter [[/underlined in red]] who is in charge of the billiard room and who has his only son in our army in France. He looked so sad that I queried immediately what had happened. For the last weeks he had been hovering between hope and fear not getting any news from him. [[underlined in red]] Two days ago he got the fatal telegram announcing that he had been killed in action. [[/underlined in red]] One feels [[underlined in red]] humbled [[/underlined in red]]