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district with well framed streets and sidewalks planted with coconut palms and flowers 
The wild place about a mile further north where we anchored  [[red underline]] will some day be changed in the same way [[/red underline]] All Alton Beach Park [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] in the tasteful real Estate development here all was made from the same wild jungle and mangrove swamp Channel is well staked then joins the straight canal. Rain squalls one after another. I am [[red underline]] in my bathing suit so the wetting does not bother me [[/red underline]] but it looks rather dreary for [[red underline]] a Christmas Eve. Albert [[/red underline]] got some letters for me. Went to bed about 7 P.M. In town distant music of people celebrating Christmas Eve.
Dec. 25. Beautiful calm weather
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Hardly a ripple in the water and bright sunny sky. Everything calm and somnolent when we weighed anchor and left for [[red underline]] Cape Florida [[/red underline]] Caught a [[red underline]] mackerel [[/red underline]] trawling with a squid while going full speed. Delightful swim Then about noon proceeded South towards [[red underline]] Cesar's cut. [[/red underline]] Engine trouble developed before [[red underline]] Ragged keys. Albert [[/red underline]] quickly discovered that one of the bearings of the engine had torn away. [[red underline]] Fortunately had spare part. With his usual cheerfulness [[/red underline]] he set hard to work and after 3 1/2 hours just at sunset had everything ready In the mean time I went out with the dinghy to explore neighborhood and