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[[strikethrough]] in the [[/strikethrough]] and specially the different beacons and posts which are rather misleading for passing through [[red underline]] Featherbed shoal. [[/red underline]] Till now weather had been beautifully calm, but immediately after dark a [[red underline]] violent North Western [[/red underline]] started blowing and made us fear that our anchor would drag. So we prepared extra anchor with new 200 feet anchor rope just purchased to keep it ready in case our chain gives out. The boat is riding the waves nicely but pitches considerably while the wind is blowing like a whistle. Our [[red underline]] christmas supper [[/red underline]] was of the simplest
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and taken much in a hurry to get ready for the storm [[red underline]] Albert discovered a large canned plum- pudding [[/red underline]] this with some ground wheat gulped down in a hurry was our christmas feast. At noon we had swallowed some pork and beans deferring "the [[strikethrough]] meal [[/strikethrough]] christmas meal for the evening! Kept rocking all night but [[strikethrough]] chain [[/strikethrough]] anchor held well.
Dec. 26. Bright sunny weather this morning after refreshing sleep. [[red underline]] North Western [[/red underline]] blowing West South. Engine runs well. Quite some trouble in locating channel for [[red underline]] Cesar's Creek [[/red underline]] Anchored near inlet while [[red underline]] Albert [[/red underline]] went to explore [[red underline]] Cocolobo Club [[/red underline]] to see whether he can