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buy some lubricating oil. [[red underline]] Shot a duck [[/red underline]] just in entering channel. This will give us enough for awhile Reports owner Mr . A.L. [[red underline]] Jones of Miami [[/red underline]] ^[[a bearded Negro]] is away and only a negro in charge of the place. Anchored over night in the channel just inside the keys. N.W. wind blowing.
Dec. 27. Weather cloudy but not so windy. Went exploring nearby channels there is one channel between [[red underline]] Old Rhode Key [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Porgee Key [[/red underline]] which winds around and [[strikethrough]] would [[/strikethrough]] has a depth of 8 to 10 feet and would make excellent shelter in case of bad weather. except that
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it is surrounded both sides with mangrove ergo [[red underline]] mosquitoes? [[/red underline]] The channel ends in a flat and has not outlet. Went to interview the negro at [[red underline]] Jones [[/red underline]] place. He is [[red underline]] as black an African [[/red underline]] as I ever saw, and has only [[red underline]] one eye [[/red underline] This and his slanting big teeth make him [[red underline]] look like a real savage [[/red underline]] He received us at the dock [[strikethrough]] with a [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] armed with a big machete [[/red underline]] After I gave him 50 cents he became very docile and friendly and volunteered any amount of information about best places for fishing and for catching [[red underline]] crawfish [[/red underline]] Yesterday he let [[red underline]] Albert [[/red underline]] pick about a bushel of excellent