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after sounding waters near by. [[red underline]] Row boat hard [[/red underline]] to handle at 1 P.M. boat begins to [[red underline]] list on starboard [[/red underline]] we are in about [[red underline]] 2 1/2 feet of [[/red underline]] water. stern [[strikethrough]] further [[/strikethrough]] is [[notation in left margin]] Hard Coral [[/marginal notation]] higher than bow. No possibility of budging. Anchor [[red underline]] simply slips. [[/red underline]] At 1 P.M suns breaks out and weather seems somewhat milder. Some pummeling by waves [[strikethrough]] astern [[/strikethrough]] striking astern. Took the opportunity for preparing dinner from our snappers of yesterday. [[red underline]] Snapper steak. excellent. [[/red underline]] After hot tea we went out in Dinghy with motor [[red underline]] to explore the bay [[/red underline]] and to ascertain our position. Heavy wind made progress against waves difficult, but we  made contour of Bay
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and also that of Bay just North. In the latter went up into a shallow little creek about 1 foot deep with flat [[red underline]] hard coral [[/red underline]] bottom and which ends near the railroad. Sun has come up in meantime but it keeps on [[red underline]] blowing just the same [[/red underline]] At 4:30 our boat lists slightly more but not uncomfortably so. Temperature now [[red underline]] 60◦ F Barometer has slightly risen is 30."2. Clouds in sky seem to indicate further windy weather.
Jan. 6. [[red underline]] Another watchful night [[/red underline]] and quite cold. 50◦ F in cabin Blue starry sky but North-Western keeps blowing without [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] abating. [[red underline]] Boat lists considerably [[/red underline]] more specially at 1 [[red underline]] A.M. [[/red underline]] Got up at 6 A.M to wash and shave and to