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any similar rollers and do this similarly as launching a boat on land. [[red underline]] Now that the boat is again on even keel everything feels [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] much more [[/strikethrough]] comfortable again [[/red underline]] and we can afford to [[red underline]] take our time. [[/red underline]] I only hope that no urgent matters require me at home as I should like to see this thing thru.
Jan 8. Up before day break. Moderate Easterly winds. Weather fair. Thermometer 70◦ F.  Boat has stood well.  Three men [[red underline]] Sawyer,[[/red underline]] ^[[Sawyer]] Williams [[/red underline]] and Albery ^[[Albury]] [[strikethrough]] & his brother [[/strikethrough]] and younger brother came aboard. Tell me that in a [[red underline]] Northwesterly [[/red underline]] we have [[red underline]] little of a [[show?]] [[/red underline]]
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[[strikethrough]] altho [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] for the boat [[/red underline]]. Explained my scheme to them.  They think they can work it out and that it is practical. I offered them [[red underline]] 1 Dollar an hour [[/red underline]] each and [[red underline]] $100 bonus [[/red underline]] if they [[strikethrough]] man [[/strikethrough]] ^[[float]] the boat within one week from now. or [[red underline]] $50.00 [[/red underline]] if they float her within two weeks. They seem highly pleased at this They left at 8:15 A.M. 
After this I went out with the Dinghy to the [[red underline]] Tavernier Creek [[/red underline]] which is about [[red underline]] 2 miles distance [[/red underline]] The entrance is shallow and the two pararell dredging spoils have given opportunity for the growth of two straight mangrove bushes between which lies the sheltered channel more deep water but inadvisable for [[strikethrough]] anything bel [[/strikethrough]] any boat of large size. Quantity of [[red underline]] enormous pelicans [[/red underline]] and other birds further down the creek