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[[red underline]] Electric Light plant, [[/red underline]] of frame primitive buildings.  A [[red underline]] helter skelter lot of pioneers [[/red underline]] houses, all the beginnings of a new city.  Some orange and grapefruit groves right in the pine woods.  Some [[red underline]] "General Stores" [[/red underline]] etc. and most prominently a pretentious sign of [[red underline]] the land company [[/red underline]] that is booming this place. What is most striking is a [[red underline]] narrow but excellent automobile road straight thru the pine forest [[/red underline]] and this accounts for the [[red underline]] presence of several Ford Motor Cars [[/red underline]] which are the [[red underline]] indisputable [[/red underline]] link between [[strikethrough]] civalizatio [[/strikethrough]] the more [[red underline]] settled districts. [[/red underline]]  There are other similar [[red underline]] "Boom-cities" [[/red underline]] with [[insertion]] frame [[/insertion]] houses [[strikethrough]] scattered in the pine woods [[/strikethrough]] reduced to their simplest
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expression scattered thru the pine woods.  [[red underline]] People here build their hopes on the promises of the Land Company Naranja, Princeton [[/red underline]] (a big lumber yard here) etc are some of the alluring names then comes [[red underline]] Coco[[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] Nut Grove [[\red underline]] and one realizes that one day the [[red underline]] latter was as much a boom city than Florida City [[/red underline]] and that [[strikethrough]] so lo [[/strikethrough]] not so long ago [[red underline]] Miami was even less. [[/red underline]]
Went directly to [[red underline]] Post Office [[/red underline]] in cold drizzling rain.  Letter of [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] and newspapers acquaint me with the [[?]] death of [[red underline]] Col. [[insertion]] Theodore [[/insertion]] Roosevelt.  One of the heroic figures of our country has ceased to live except in the memory of so many who cherished and loved him. [[/red underline]] Letter of [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] telling [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] went to Cornell