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boat along about 30 feet the only trouble was to keep the rollers straight and to put in a new railing for the rollers to roll over. By the time we were at the second set it was about 6P.M. [[red underline]] Served hot coffee to the men. One of their brother a stalwart fellow and kind face [[red underline]], and another man whom we had met at Cesar's Creek in his fishing boat and two young girls came around in a [[red underline]] sail skiff [[/red underline]] and then the whole party went home towed by their motor launch. [[red underline]] Beautiful moon shine serene weather and good hopes for tomorrow! [[/red underline]] 
Jan 13  North Western blowing all night but moderately
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Clear skies. but weather remains chilly. Men came her at 9 AM but sat around all morning on account of [[red  underline]] the chilly wind [[/red underline]] unable to do anything notwithstanding the sunshine which some way or another does not warm up the air. 
Weather became chillier and windier until about 2P.M when after giving up almost hope to accomplish anything I saw the boys put on their oil skins and soon after they jumped in the chilly water. Laborious attempts, many difficulties, the rollers shifting etc. Then a [[red underline]] squall [[/red underline]] and rain clouds. and the sun getting lower. Williams the [[red underline]] Postmaster [[/red underline]] brought me 
[[Two large red exclamation points in left margin]] a [[red underline]] telegram advising me that George intends to get married day after