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supper and to write letter to [[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] and another telegram addressed to [[underlined in red]] Washington [[/underlined in red]] Evening Albert went ashore. [[underlined in red]] Magnificent moonlight [[/underlined in red]] - full moon. Everything on the water so quiet and beautiful and little Cygnet dancing lightly on the silvered waves. I [[underlined in red]] sit on deck [[/underlined in red]] alone [[underlined in red]] thinking of so many things which have happened and the story of my little [[margin, red pencil]] !! [[/margin, red pencil]] life, started so humbly then interwoven with that of Celine and now the future or our children. [[/underlined in red]]
Jan 17. A good nights rest. Up at sunset. a strong South Eastern Breeze blowing
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Thermometer 70:F. Barometer 30.2". sky cloudy. looks as if it were to rain or storm [[underlined in red]] Albert [[/underlined in red]] brought me a letter from [[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] which definitely tells me that [[underlined in red]] George was married on the [[underlined]] fifteenth [[/underlined]] and that he and Cornelia immediately went to Golden Col. to the school of mines.
[[red !! in left margin]] 
I rather like all this specially George revolution to start living simply. [[/underlined in red]] Celine says that he has managed [[underlined in red]] to save about $1200 for the event. Bully for you George. this is the way to start simply. [[/underlined in red]]
Strong south - easterly breeze. We went out to [[underlined in red]] Cape Florida [[/underlined in red]] but got drenched by a succession of rain -