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one or two hundred yards on the South Eastern shore which was too soft. All the remainder of the shore is hard coral formation. Need shoes to walk on them.
The greenest part of the Island is the [[red underline]] Southern side. [[\red underline]] Tried for crawfish but found none speared a Trunk-fish. Saw two [[red underline]] bonefish [[\red underline]] and tried to spear them but they were too quick.
Swam around for quite awhile then moved back to the [[red underline]] Cygnet, [[\red underline]] where Albert was improving the magneto which had given us trouble.
The [[red underline]] shellac [[\red underline]] of the [[red underline]] armature [[\red underline]] has melted out, and in extruding had filled the interstices between the fields, until the whole thing had become solid and unable to move. [[red underline]] If the Bosch 
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Magneto Co were not such stubborn  conceited Germans they might have used Bakelite varnish to advantage. [[\red underline]]
Afternoon we lifted anchor and went to anchor in the Ocean just on the outside of the Inlet. Tide was running out, weather very calm. Tried fishing but without success.  Albert [[strikethrough]] ref [[/strikethrough]] who went out with [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] dinghy reports that he has seen [[red underline]] very big crawfish [[\red underline]] and any amount of fish in a deep coral ledge full of holes.
[[red underline]] Three more yachts [[\red underline]] anchored nearby. Just at sunset we were [[strikethrough]] besieged by [[\strikethrough]] bother by an invasion of [[red underline]] mosquitoes. [[\red underline]] I soon put on a canvass sailor suit, tightened up my trousers near ankles by means of canvass putters, put on