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and phases of the problem. Drove back afternoon and feel very well.
Jan 9. (Sunday) Home. [[red underline]] Dr. Kops of Brussels, [[\red underline]] a chemist, and his mother and little girl here for dinner. Also Capt. [[red underline]] McNair [[\red underline]] to whom [[red underline]] Nina [[\red underline]] seems rather friendly here for supper.
Dorothy here also to stay for a few days.
Jan 10. This morning in calling [[red underline]] Rossi [[\red underline]] at the [[red underline]] factory [[\red underline]] I hear that their troubles with with transparent material are [[red underline]] not by any means and are worse than ever so that production has been entirely stopped. Orders [[/red underline]] for all other goods have [[red underline]] greatly diminished so we are in a crisis. [[/red underline]] I feel disgusted that Rossi should not
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have advised me sooner and more particularly that he [[red underline]] should not have tried to consult Gothelf who has considerble experience in transparent material [[/red underline]] So I drove directly to New York First went to [[red underline]] Columbia [[/red underline]] where had talk with McKee Jackson out then drove to [[red underline]] Brooklyn about [[/red underline]] 3:30 to reverse situation there Much time has been lost there but making [[red underline]] one of the chemists Spiegelberg [[/red underline]] make [[red underline]] formic [[/red underline]] acid in a [[red underline]] little laboratory apparatus [[/red underline]] so as to sell as few hundred pounds of the material and in the meantime deviating all attention [[red underline]] from further [[/red underline]] progress. [[red underline]] Formate[[/red underline]] made a successive runs in drum is [[red underline]] excellent, [[/red underline]] dry and white