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the army of [[red underline]] Garibaldi as a young student [[/red underline]] and was shot thru the shoulder  the bullet killing his sergeant behind him.
Feb 21. Went to chemists club at 12:30 to meeting of [[red underline]] Institute Chemical Engineers trustees, A.D. Little presiding. [[/red underline]]
At 3 P.M went to [[red underline]] Hamman's [[/red underline]] office to discuss [[red underline]] annual [[/red underline]] balance with [[red underline]] him and Frankel [[/red underline]] Rain and slushy weather. Stay at University Club over night 
Evening meting of [[red  underline]] Trustees at Chemists Club. [[/red underline]] William Hofman [[red underline]] wanted us for dinner there before meeting. [[/red underline]]
Feb 22. At lunch had [[red underline]] Colonel Hodges [[/red underline]] of the American Engineer in Europe to talk about what our men did there
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as one of the Saturday Lunch talk of University Club. In the evening heard the same talk at Century Club and enjoyed it a second time. The other speaker was [[red underline]] Colonel Wilgus [[/red underline]] head of R.R. construction department in France
Feb 23 (Sunday) Came home before lunch. [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] tells me [[red underline]] Nina is engaged to Capt. McNair. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] told her [[/strikethrough]] Spent the day reading
Feb 24 A very busy day dictating and telephoning from early in the morning till late in the evening.
Feb 25. Here all [[strikethrough]] day [[/strikethrough]] morning. Afternoon went to [[red underline]] Pupin's [[/red underline]] Laboratory to fetch Admiral Smith and bring him here. [[red underline]] Pupin [[/red underline]] in bed with cold. I feel miserable too [[strikethrough]] Smit [[/strikethrough]] Admiral stayed here over night