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comodating and sold me [[red underline]] 30 gallons [[\red underline]] of [[strikethrough]] gallo [[/strikethrough]] gasolene at [[red underline]] 30 cents. [[\red underline]]  This is a general storage of every kind of old machinery and old junk left over from the construction period, including capitanes, pumps, etc etc. [[strikethrough]] He tha [[/strikethrough]] We left at about eleven, glad to have enough gasolene to reach Key West.  Engine is running better than ever.
Sun is bright, wind fair. Albert made Bacon and eggs while I was steering and about 12:30P.M went [[strikethrough]] thru ove [[/strikethrough]] under R.R. bridge. As soon as we [[red underline]] were in the Ocean [[\red underline]] we noticed that the weather was stronger than we imagined and as at best we would land at Key

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[[red underline]] West rather late. [[\red underline]] [[overwritten]] We [[/overwritten]] I concluded better to take no chances and not to tire us out by another arduous half day so we returned and anchored in [[red underline]] Bahia Honda [[\red underline]] near the [[strikethrough]] key first [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Bahia Honda]] Key north where we saw a [[red underline]] small sponge boat at anchor. [[\red underline]] Went out swimming in a lovely beach. Boat is anchored in sandy bottom, coral underneath water very clear. The owner of the little boat was [[red underline]] mending a large turtle net [[\red underline]] with meshes of about one foot space. We bought three strings of sponges from him. He is a [[red underline]] white man from the Bahamas and fishes the sponges [[\red underline]] in about two fathoms water right in the bay. The [[red underline]] sponges [[\red underline]] are black, the best ones have two or three or more "eyes"