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draw. from England in the League of Nations. Afternoon [[underlined in red]] Kirk Brown [[/underlined in red]] came to see me at University Club as an emissary of [[underlined in red]] Dr. Redman who wants us to withdraw from our suit [[/underlined in red]] and adjust [[underlined in red]] differences out of court. [[/underlined in red]] They are [[underlined in red]] willing to submit their defenses. [[/underlined in red]] Told to [[underlined in red]] Kirk Brown [[/underlined in red]] that after all the [[underlined in red]] challenges [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] black guarding [[/underlined in red]] of Redman and his company we were compelling to push this suit. That if we compromised now it would simply be an [[underlined in red]] encouragement for other infringes. Kirk Brown says [[/underlined in red]] he thinks the same way. that we have a good case and that one of our [[underlined in red]] strongest points [[/underlined in red]] is that [[underlined in red]] before us there was no record of any useful application of phenolic condensation [[/underlined in red]] products. That [[underlined in red]] at the time [[/underlined in red]] when we were about to under 
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take a suit [[underlined in red]] against Condersite [[/underlined in red]] the only claim of prior application was reported by [[underlined in red]] Dr. Schweitzer who said hundreds of thousands pounds [[/underlined in red]] of there products [[underlined in red]] had been sold [[/underlined in red]] and that they had circulars etc. But when it [[underlined in red]] came to the final request, Schweitzer [[underlined in red]] backed out, could not furnish [[/underlined in red]] the circulars or other proof and that the product to which he referred was one [[underlined in red]] of the Novolak type. [[/underlined in red]]
Evening supper with [[underlined in red]] Bishop Hebbelynck [[/underlined in red]] who told me of his experiences during the German occupation of Belgium. Afterwards [[underlined in red]] Counsel Mali [[/underlined in red]] joined us.
[[underlined]] March 30 [[/underlined]] (Sunday) A clear crisp cool day. Packing valises for [[underlined in red]] infringement suit which starts to morrow. [[/underlined in red]] Lunch and supper here then left for New York for duration of the trial. Went to stay at University Club.