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Singing, violin, dancing, then a sparring bout, movies etc. A very charming evening and [[red underline]] I felt just in the right mood Came home at midnight but started some fuller experiments on samples of infringers. [[/red underline]] Then at 3 A.M got awake again, studying the record. [[red underline]] Very little [[/red underline]] sleep
April 8. Early to Neave's office then Brooklyn all day at court. [[red underline]] May Swan & Muller & Rossi [[/red underline]] all there. [[red underline]] Redman cross examined tricky foxy answers. [[/red underline]] Then [[Miner?]] in afternoon Back at club at [[red underline]] 5 P.M. Started further experiments in my room and ordered some more in Yonkers. [[/red underline]] To bed about 9. PM
April 9. Up at 3 A.M. studying
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record. See [[red underline]] new clear way of explaining Delaire and Luft patents [[/red underline]]. and their claims.
Slept a little between 6 and 7. Then breakfast and then to Neave. [[red underline]] Burroughs [[/red underline]] there. Will be [[red underline]] our witness
[[/red underline]] Then hurried to court.
[[Note in margin]] x of Chicago [[/Note in margin]]
[[red underline]] Miner's [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] testimony [[/red underline]] foxy and cleverly connected, but at [[red underline]] Cross examination we made him admit almost all what we want. [[/red underline]] 
Townsend's brother in law died. This will give us [[red underline]] recess on Saturday. [[/red underline]] hence two full days for work at Yonkers. Sent Miller to Yonkers with samples and ordered [[red underline]] Gothelf [[/red underline]] several additional experiments. [[red underline]] Steinberger (now Rockhill) of General Insulate Co [[/red underline]]