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are pressed. Very cold chilly day. Hurried home after dark very hungry and tired.
April 27. [[underline]] Sunday [[/underline]] Up early. Beautiful spring day. Dictated in phonograph further testimony about [[red underline]] history of Bakelite inventions, story of my life etc. [[/red underline]] Then a man from Willys Overland Co came to try a new Willy's Knight, then a Lieutenant aviator who is agent for Nash came with Nash car. I like the latter much better. Afternoon had little to do but a few laboratory tests, [[red underline]] feels like a real holiday. The first time have [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] had this sentiment since March 31. [[/red underline]] Evening went back to N.Y.
April 28. Up early. Lee asked me about the samples I had made and we [[red underline]] sprang the surprise on him. The judge [[/red underline]] admitted them as exhibits. They were the best looking in the lot. I also presented a cold molded sample, molded in the cold press then transferred outside the mold to the bakelyzer and which looked [[red underline]] excellent. [[/red underline]] Much better than any cold molded sample presented by Redman. I felt very happy about the way the day had gone. 
[[red underline]] Lee taken unawares [[/red underline]] asks an afternoon's recess so as to give him time for arranging further questions for cross examining so we are thru at 2 P.M.
[[underline]] April 29. [[underline]] [[red underline]] I was so excited about our excellent day yesterday [[/red underline]]