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[[red underline]] to join Redmanol [[\red underline]] group in fighting this patent I could not help it.  That I saw clearly that just now it was my duty not to complicate matters more than they were now.  That even if I desired to do something with them in relation with this patent that it was my duty to take into consideration our relations and obligations with our licenses [[red underline]] Westinghouse [[\red underline]] and [[red underline]] Continental fibre. [[\red underline]]  Under the circumstances I saw no possibility of committing myself with [[red underline]] Condensite [[\red underline]] company on this subject.
Interview finished about 4 P.M after one hour in apparently friendly way. [[red underline]] Dyer [[\red underline]] took us to nearby Patti Phonograph demonstration office to show us
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new [[red underline]] amplifier [[\red underline]] which [[red underline]] seems to amplify little beyond noise. [[\red underline]]
At 7.P.M went to Belgian Relief house. [[strikethrough]] 47 West [[\strikethrough]] 431 W. 47 str. a crowded noisy side-street. I had accepted an invitation of [[red underline]] Bishop Hebbelynck [[\red underline]] to dine with [[red underline]] Father Stillemans [[\red underline]] and himself, and [[red underline]] Consul Mali. [[\red underline]]  Found them all there also another [[red underline]] Bishop, Monsigneur De Dekker [[\red underline]] who was Director of the American College in Louvain when the Germans invaded the town.  There was also the assistant to [[red underline]] Stillemans, [[\red underline]] Father [[red underline]] Nys [[\red underline]] an undersized man with [[strikethrough]] stunt [[/strikethrough]] a funny little head like a cat-fish, then another young priest and [[red underline]] two nuns [[\red underline]] in gray-white.  [[red underline]] De Dekker [[\red underline]] was very talkative and had [[red underline]] awful table manners. [[\red underline]] I feared he