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afterwards they told me would accept [[red underline]] $4000 [[\red underline]] so I closed deal and [[strikethrough]] went to New York [[\strikethrough]]  [[red underline]] This is a real bargain. [[\red underline]] Home all day very busy dictating. Evening drove with Celine to Carnegie Hall to meeting of Curie Forum where [[red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Sim [[/strikethrough]] Admiral Sims [[\red underline]] spoke. Modest, witty sometimes somewhat [[red underline]] sarcastic, [[\red underline]] Sims made excellent impression.
May 13. Went to Custom house to [[red underline]] register boat number [[\red underline]] and bought charts and navigation books. Then Mouquin for lunch.  Then to Conyapton to consult him about voting agreements but he cannot give [[underline]] more information [[\underline]] than is contained in his book. Then to [[red underline]] Columbia [[\red underline]] University Committee on [[red underline]] Research [[\red underline]]
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Only [[red underline]] Woodbridge, Pegram, Raymond John Bassett Moore and myself there. [[\red underline]] Decided award for 8 Cutting Research Fellowships. Then [[red underline]] made short address to new class in chemical Engineering. [[\red underline]] Then to Claremont Restaurant where [[red underline]] Redman [[\red underline]] and May were waiting for me. [[red underline]] Redman [[\red underline]] has no definite proposition to submit, says [[red underline]] Kirk Brown [[\red underline]] told him he saw no way for arranging matters. R. wanted to know whether we could propose anything so that he could submit it to his people in Chicago. Told him I thought [[red underline]] suits will have to be fought [[\red underline]] to the [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] point where [[red underline]] validity of patents [[\red underline]] and infringement is established.  If not there is no use