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the Yacht. After [[red underline]] waiting a couple [[/red underline]]of hours ashore weather [[red underline]] calmed and [[/red underline]] they could come aboard. [[red underline]] No possibility of starting the engine [[/red underline]] In the mean time pump [[red underline]] pump-pump! James left. Albert and I stayed aboard. Another chilly damp night. Told James [[/red underline]] to bring an [[red underline]] oil stove to morrow [[/red underline]] so as to warm up the engine room. Dreary cold rainy weather - 
May 18 (Sunday). Lovely bright weather Up early. Spent first part of morning [[red underline]] stepping the mast, Albert climbing [[/red underline]] over awning and walking over canvas by first placing the long deck table over
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it. Then tried our hand again at engine giving special care to carburetor and governor. - and lo [[red underline]] suddenly engine starts and keeps humming and improving and we feel happy as children. [[/red underline]] Approaching Ferry boat brings [[red underline]] James who waves [[/red underline]] his arms for joy of seeing the smoke at the exhaust. He brings a [[red underline]] plentiful supply of sandwhiches [[/red underline]] besides the [[red underline]] kerosene stove. [[/red underline]] Everything seems lovely. Shortly after noon we left and proceeded towards [[red underline]] Yonkers. [[/red underline]] Boat [[red underline]]ran very well to our great delight [[/red underline]] At Yacht Club [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] [[Jerryp?Jeerijp?]] [[/red underline]] and his wife joined

Transcription Notes:
"stepping the mast" is a term for raising the mast