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us and we went out along [[red underline]] Palisades Park. Slept aboard. [[/red underline]] Albert and James went ashore.
May 19. Up early then went ashore dictating etc. At 3 P.M. met Dean [[red underline]] Pegram [[/red underline]] by appointment.  He asks my advice about offering lectureship in [[red underline]] Electro [[/red underline]] chemistry to [[underline]] Stackhorn [[/red underline]] I consent. Then meeting of [[strikethrough]] Board of Research Fellowships to decide on the award of several Bayard Cutting Research fellowships of $1000 and $1500 each. Woodbridge funded Pegram, John Bassett Moore, Raymond and myself [[/strikethrough]] 
meeting of Faculty Applied Science.
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May 20.  Spent part morning with correspondence then a few hours on board the [[red underline]] Lou [[/red underline]] at 1 P.M rushed back for lunch then to office of [[red underline]] Royal Baking Powder [[/red underline]] Co. at 2 P.M. Dr. [[red underline]] Vaygouny [[/underline]] there also Peter Paulus Waldenheyer, Ziegler Gerry and Porter [[red underline]] Vaygony, voluble [[/red underline]] and sketchy suggest several improvements etc. I nail him down on facts, tell him, if he has any good suggestions so much the better but he must not limit himself in merely sketching them, must work them out and show conclusively that his suggestions give better results than what we have obtained. Went back to Yonkers