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[[underlined in red]] formaldehyde [[/underlined in red]] product Went to University Club for supper.
May 29. Busy all morning dictating etc. Afternoon went aboard the [[underlined in red]] Fon and slept there [[/underlined in red]] over night.
[[underlined]] May 30 [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] Decoration Day. [[/underlined in red]] Warm and sunny. Busy all morning being fixing things while Leslie's polishing brass & scrubbing. About 11. A. M walked up to house How hot it feels specially last part of the climb! Lunch with Celine and Nina. [[underlined in red]] Invited William Bennet and his sister to join us on River. [[/underlined in red]] She could not come on account of other visitor but he joined He is a [[underlined in red]] major and is released from service. [[/underlined in red]]
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Has [[underlined in red]] been in the fight at Chateau Thierry [[/underlined in red]] and the [[underlined in red]] Argonne [[/underlined in red]] and [[strikethrough]] expresses his [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] depreciatingly speaks of French and English soldiers and officers as being ossified[[guess]] Altho' his remarks [[/underlined in red]] ring true it should not be forgotten that [[underlined in red]] he is a rather self-centered cynical person. [[/underlined in red]] I remained [[underlined in red]] aboard. [[/underlined in red]] Peaceful lovely evening 
May 31. Working hard all morning with Leslie rearranging wires of magneto. Hot and tiresome job. After lunch [[underlined in red]] Albert [[/underlined in red]] came aboard and rearranged wiring of [[underlined in red]] some of the lamps [[/underlined in red]] etc according to my instructions At 4 P.M. let Leslie have leave to go to New York Naval [[underlined in red]] Militia headquarters [[/underlined in red]] to get his [[underlined in red]] clarinet [[/underlined in red]]