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and bread and gave me advice how and where to go to get awnings, and other equipment. Then went with him to factory. Bothered by a book agent a certain German Baron whom I politely got rid off after three minutes. Then went to sail maker, upholsterer, ship yard etc. Everything along shore seems more easy going and pleasant than other parts of the town. Back by evening and to bed early [[red underline]] Leslie [[/red underline]] looks as if he were to be satisfactory. Is intelligent and seems careful and has undoubtedly experience in the ordinary keep up of boats. Bathing near by on the bend seems
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popular to day on account of [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] hot weather.
June 3. Up early. At seven came the [[red underline]] sail maker [[/red underline]] [[Merrison?]] to measure for [[red underline]] new awning. [[/red underline]] Then the carpenter of the ship yard to [[strikethrough]] repair [[/strikethrough]] measure the [[red underline]] broken rail [[/red underline]] to be repaired then his son who is employed by us to take several measurements as to needed things. About 9:30 went to factory. At 10 A M interview with [[red underline]] Dr. Getauer [[/red underline]] who formerly was chemist of Hayden Chemical Co and who just got position with McKesson & Robbins Showed me some samples of [[red underline]] Bakelite [[/red underline]] who he thinks are better than our product. They look very much like material made with [[red underline]] NaOH [[/red underline]]