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noon. Cold and rainy Spent afternoon & part evening, straightening up correspondence and dictating to phonograph Busy till evening
June 9. Left at 7A.M. rainy cold weather. Savoie will dock at 11:15 A.M. [[red underline]] Count de la Valette [[/red underline]] makes very good impression is about my age and about 6 feet. Took him to Gotham hotel in my little car then put him up at University Club where we took lunch and talked over various matters, war, business, politics. [[red underline]] Is an interesting man, [[/red underline]] who has been in [[red underline]] Madagascar [[/red underline]] and other countries. Is the [[red underline]] founder [[/red underline]] of the Automobile Club [[/red underline]] of Paris and is much
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interested in yachting.
Took supper together at the Club.
June 10. Up early Still cloudy rainey weather but no longer so cold that steam heat was on as yesterday. our ^[[University]] club is selling the last of its wines and liquors before prohibition sets in on July 1.
[[red underline]] de la Volette [[/red underline]] came here early and [[red underline]] talks a lot. As long as he talks french it seems more natural but when he [[/red underline]] starts in English he [[red underline]] seems rather funny. [[/red underline]] Met him at office on afternoon then he began a discourse half french half English which seemed rather long and full of gesticulations