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[[underlined in red]] which should like to [[/underlined in red]] start manufacture of Bakelite. [[underlined in red]] Told him I had no end of offers [[/underlined in red]] of the kind but conditions were so unsettled that it seems difficult and [[underlined in red]] dangerous to take a decision [[/underlined in red]] Took lunch at University Club with [[underlined in red]] Bishop Hebbelynck [[/underlined in red]] of University of Louvain
June 11. Meeting of Division of Industrial relations of [[underlined in red]] National Research Council [[/underlined in red]] at United Engineering Building. [[underlined in red]] Colonel Carthy [[/underlined in red]] just returned from Europe is there also [[underlined in red]] Millihan [[/underlined in red]] now civilian at 1:30 P.M drove to factory with [[underlined in red]] Count Lavalette [[/underlined in red]] He is in
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[[underlined in red]] extasy, before everything Weehawken & Hoboken included, [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] goes in raptures [[/underlined in red]] over the [[underlined in red]] Hackensack meadows. [[/underlined in red]] Showed him our factory and our methods of testing then let Albert drive him to the Station where I left him to return on board [[underlined in red]] Ion. [[/underlined in red]] Painting not far advanced feel rather disappointed
June 12 Next morning all at work. [[underlined in red]] Albert scraping mahogany [[/underlined in red]] hatch of my cabin. then installed Evinrude on Dinghy, I got up early to study first draft of [[underlined in red]] Brief - Mulorte [[/underlined in red]] by Townsend. Afternoon had long interview with [[underlined in red]] Lawrence [[/underlined in red]] who claims [[margin, red pencil]] ! [[/margin, red pencil]] that by marry rubber substitute from oils with [[underlined in red]] phenol [[/underlined in red]] before renetion