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[[red underline]] gets a Novolak which together will hexa [[/red underline]] gives a better impregnated molding mixture of better electrical and general qualities. Told him to go ahead and develop technical qualities [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] first of all but at the same time find [[red underline]] out whether other oils [[/red underline]] can do the same I feel very tired about 6PM when I went again [[red underline]] aboard the Ion [[/red underline]]
June 13 Lifted Anchor at 7:45 AM Beautiful weather Dropped anchor before [[red underline]] Columbia [[/red underline]] Yacht Club [[red underline]] 86 street at 10:15AM [[/red underline]] Hurried to Bank to borrow [[red underline]] $4000 [[/red underline]] for paying my taxes then lunch at Columbia U. Club
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then to office of [[red underline]] Prindle Meeting of Patent Committee Millikan and Ewing Prindle and myself [[/red underline]] present. At 4.P.M. meeting over. Went to University Club for supper and [[red underline]] slept aboard Ion. [[/red underline]]
June 14 Up early. At 2 P.M [[red underline]] Count La Valette [[/red underline]] comes aboard and went with me up the Hudson to beyond Nyack. [[red underline]] Full of extasy again, [[/red underline]] over all what he sees
Took him to [[red underline]] Snug Rock [[/red underline]] for supper. [[strikethrough]] You [[/strikethrough]] Lieutenant Page an aviator just returned from Europe is visiting [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] who stayed with his parents while she was in service in Washington. Drove them both to Yonkers Station