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June 23. At home till afternoon dictated & spent some time in lab. [[red underlined]] discussing acelaldehyde resin experiments also [[strikethrough]] conduct [[/strikethrough]] action of CH2O on sugar and olextin & oxalic acid [[/red underlinde]]
Afternoon drove with Celine & Nina to N.Y and I went aboard Ion. [[red underlined]] Leslie nearly got drowned by slipping over gunwale and [[/red underlined]] striking side of dinghy with his chest. [[red underlined]] Went under twice [[/red underlined]] and was to stunned to swim finally managed to float on his back until he had recovered. Current had carried him away quite a distance before he was again master
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of the situation 
[[strikethrough]] Went to [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] Lavalette [[/red underlined]] has left for Dayton. Dr. [[red underlined]] Benedict [[/red underlined]] went to see May and wants [[red underlined]] $5000 [[/red underlined]] for option without first giving opportunity of examining samples etc. and wants [[red underline]] $60000 [[strikethrough]] after [[/strikethrough]] before option [[/red underline]] expires. Told to May cannot accept such gambling proposition. that [[red underline]] the man has put me on the defensive since I noted that several of his statements show plainly that he does not know [[strikethrough]] the for [[/strikethrough]] some of the facts he claims
June 24. [[red underlined]] Neave [[/red underlined]] starts his argument One of the [[red underlined]] Karpen brothers, [[/red underlined]] very [[red underlined]] Jewish looking, with a large diamond pin [[/red underlined]]