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on his chest is in court and Redman introduces him to me. He [[strikethrough]] comes [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] sits next to me [[/red underline]] and immediately says: "Its a pity that all this could not be settled out of court; there is a commercial side to this as well as a patent side". I answered not encouragingly and started to talk of something else. 
[[red underline]] If I had read that brief of Lee at that [[/red underline]] time I should have added that since [[red underline]] reading that nasty piece I certainly felt less disposed than ever to compromise [[/red underline]] or to have business relations with any of them
Afterwards [[red underline]] Lee [[/red underline]] started
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in his monotonous, boresome way same repetition of sophistries and perversion of testimony, until I fell asleep several times. [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]] came aboard [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] for simple supper then left by about 9 P.M
June 25. [[red underline]] Bull [[/red underline]] started off more interestingly, then his argument became a dexterous lawyer, casuistry.
Went for supper to University Club then about 9P.M aboard Ion.
June 26. It rains. While taking [[red underline]] my coffee heard an unexpected noise [[/red underline]] in the engine room. something like loud tuning fork. and with rythmic intervals. first through it was a leak in some pipe or another producing a buzzer effect. Then thought it might be a short circuit