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[[red underlined]] anchorage at 11 AM. Townsend [[/red underlined]] and his son [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] went back to [[red underline]] Yonkers [[/red underline]] to fetch their car and continue their trip to Massachusetts.
Very hot weather.
Little beach here [[strikethrough]] faily [[/strikethrough]] fairly [[red underlined]] swarming with bathers. [[/red underlined]] Evening Albert and his family came aboard for a few minutes.
July 6. Up early. nice breeze [[red underlined]] Went out alone [[/red underlined]] in [[strikethrough]] dinky [[/strikethrough]] motor dinky without hat, and only a shirt and plain white sailor trousers. Went cruising [[red underlined]] around the Bay [[/red underlined]] and swimming Afternoon heavy rain and thunder 
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storm. Albert arrived at [[strikethrough]] July [[/strikethrough]] midnight with letters from Lavalette.
July 7. Up early. Albert starts taking engine a part. I went to factory all day conference with [[red underlined]] Rossi urging him to get ready with composite cardboard experiments in view of uncertainty of patent situation. Schrimpe [[/red underlined]] got resin by [[red underlined]] heating [[formaldehyaniden?]] with HCL [[/red underlined]] has molded some pieces of it. [[margin, red pencil]] ! [[/margin, red pencil]] Urge Rossi to [[strikethrough]] build [[/strikethrough]] equip [[red underlined]] additional laboratory. [[/red underlined]] Tell Shannon to go to see Gothelf and get acquainted with work on [[red underlined]] hexa ^[[40]] + cresol phosphate pipe bits [[/red underlined]] so as to build it up gradually at factory.
Evening went out alone in dinky when came back got rather [[red underlined]] disgusted at slovenly way everything looked [[/red underlined]] aboard. Cooler.
July 8. Nice cool brisk breeze