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"There is none". If my boat were only in order I might go [[stikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] aboard and have some comfort there. But there also everything is upset on account of Albert taking apart the machine.
July 22. More rain and sultry weather. - This is the limit! [[overwritten]] Five [[/overwritten]] Six days rain in succession!
July 23. This is the [[underlined in red]] 35th anniversary [[/underlined in red]] of my graduation as a Doctor. Have invited [[underlined in red]] Baskerville, Col. Elliot Skillen & Dr. Peters [[/underlined in red]] for a supper to night here. Albert still at the machine of the boat. May phoned me to tell me [[underlined in red]] Dr. Benedict [[/underlined in red]] has been around again to see him and has become
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[[underlined in red]] much more modest in his claims. [[/underlined in red]] and is willing to make an arrangement Told to May to make the arrangement herself if it can be done on a common sense base. [[underlined in red]] Say $500 for [[/underlined in red]] an [[underlined in red]] option to expire February 1 [[/underlined in red]] and tell him that he chooses wrong time when all my [[underlined in red]] assistants and myself are going on our vacation. Carleton Ellis [[/underlined in red]] too has written me for an appointment for a product he or one of his assistants has discovered. Letter from [[underlined in red]] Nina [[/underlined in red]] dated July 13 telling me she is [[underlined in red]] engaged to George Roll [[/underlined in red]] a young mining engineer just graduated and who was an aviator in the U.S. Army during the war