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conference with [[red underline]] Mortimer Harvey [[/red underline]] in laboratory.  He is research [[red underline]] fellow of General Bakelite Co. [[/red underline]] Then conference with Dean [[red underline]] Pegram [[/red underline]] to decide award of another research fellowship (Dupont) then home [[strikethrough]] Home [[/strikethrough]] for supper.
Oct 25. This afternoon Mr. Walther of [[red underline]] Scientific American [[/red underline]] (Editor) came here with his photographer to make my [[red underline]] photo in the laboratory [[/red underline]]
Oct 26 (Sunday) Was invited to lunch with [[red underline]] King Albert by Ambassador de Cartier [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] King Albert [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] at his suite in [[red underline]] the Waldorf [[/red underline]] Astoria. Before lunch an [[red underline]] informal talk [[/red underline]] and some cigarettes.  The [[red underline]] Prince was there too. [[/red underline]] King [[red underline]] Albert pinned the decoration of [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] Officer of the Crown of Belgium on my coat. [[/red underline]] An informal lunch. I was seated two seats next to [[red underline]] the King [[/red underline]] [[red ! in left margin]] my companion on my left was [[red underline]] General O'Ryan [[/red underline]] who distinguished himself in Chateau Thiery. (See newspapers of Oct 27. New York Tribune, N.Y Times etc.)
[[left margin]] Brant Whitlow former [[?]] to Belgium on my left and had very interesting conversation [[/left margin]]
Then some more talk and cigarette smoking. All [[red underline]] very informal King Albert is at his best in such an informal gathering. [[/red underline]] We were only about a dozen guests. His aide [[red underline]] Colonel Theilker [[/red underline]] tells me he knew [[red underline]] very well my deceased brother in law. Jules, also knows my sister in law and my brother in law Professor Frederic Swarts. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Went to University Club [[/strikethrough]]