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[[red underline]] King [[/red underline]] spoke [[red underline]] french [[/red underline]] to me this time . [[strikethrough]] At [[/strikethrough]] Went to University Club afterwards then took Colonel [[red underline]] Elliot and Mr. Skillan [[/red underline]] in my car to [[red underline]] Yonkers for an improvised supper. [[/red underline]]
Oct 27. A busy day here. Evening went to University Club for supper.
Oct 28. After dictating some letters went to Cornell Medical College to meet [[red underline]] Dr. Benedict [[/red underline]] and speak about experiments I made with his reaction He has no objection to let me put one of my assistants on this subject. Then to [[red underline]] "Ion". Nina [[/red underline]] went aboard Lewis was my crew. Violent South Western which sent spray on the bow and with the tide made us lose 
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much time. Otherwise warm pleasant weather. Left Spuyten Duivel at 1:05 PM Anchored just north of Quarantine Station Staten Island where [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] was sent ashore. [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] showed up well. Some bother with anchor dragging in strong current and wind which had shifted [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] a strong Northern. Then after dark wind calmed somewhat but current kept us dancing. Two anchors out. [[red underline]] I feel again in my element! A different man from the peevish discouraged old man I was all these latter days. [[/red underline]] At 8 P.M a howling Northern. Kept us dancing most of the night.
Oct 29. Cold bright morning Light Northerly winds. Up

Transcription Notes:
verified "Spuyten Duivel" - now known as Spuyten Duyvil, an area in the Bronx