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and hexatrimepara cresol. Afterwards [[red underline]] Faculty meeting. [[/red underline]] McKee gave me some [[red underline]] carvenol which I asked from him to test it with formaldehyde etc. and also as a solid solvent Evening Mr & Mrs Lamquet and Mr & Mrs Putnam (nephew of Mayor DeHaven Putnam) for supper.
[[underline]] Nov 18 [[/underline]] Early to [[red underline]] dentist [[/red underline]] his lady assistant scrapes and cleansing teeth and discover one of my [[red underline]] front teeth lower jaw [[/red underline]] is loose. Ergo has [[red underline]] to be extracted. Then to New York at invitation of Mr Rand at Down Town Lunch Club where met. [[red underline]]
Herbert Hoover
Mr. Blair [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] B. B. Thayer
Dr. Ledout
Carl Eyler
Rice President of Gen. Electric Co
Dr. W.H. Nichols
Thomas Robins-Parke Channing Secretary of Hoover
General Barclay Parsons [[/red underline]]
discussing desirability of [[red underline]] engineer of U.S. entering larger field of coping with crises, and [[red underline]] sociological problems [[/red underline]] of US. A very interesting meeting. [[red underline]] Hoover in such a meeting is at his best. [[/red underline]]
Went back to Yonkers before 5P.M.
Nov 19. [[red underline]] Mortimer Harvey [[/red underline]] here to learn about our laboratory methods. Then drove to [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] for two hours getting things ready. Evening [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] went to The Fortsons in Bronxville for supper. and [[red underline]] Captain Capart [[/red underline]] came here for supper with me to help me in a bottle of Clos de Vougeot. Very cold