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and windy. News from Celine she is coming back Saturday
Nov 20. Bright but cold windy day. Drove to [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] to Spuyten Duival to see her [[/red underline]] pulled [[/red underline]] out but wind made tide too low. Planned changes in beds of rear cabin etc Gave [[red underline]] Gothelf carvenoll [[/red underline]] this afternoon to try some experiments with formaldehyde hexa also as solid solvent etc. He is taking some to Perth Amboy to morrow for Shrimpe.
Nov 21. Went early to [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] Perfect day and calm They are [[red underline]] getting her out. [[/red underline]] but I had to leave to go to [[red underline]] dentist [[/red underline]] and have [[red underline]] front tooth lower jaw [[red underline]] extracted [[/red underline]] which was loose (by [[red underline]] Dr [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] Hasbrouck) [[/red underline]] Had N2O gas as anesthetic felt no pain and no discomfort everything over in a few minutes. Then went to Pennsylvania Hotel as [[red underline]] guest of Merchant's Association [[/red underline]] and was placed at head table My companions were ^[[Joe]] [[red underline]] Grace [[/red underline]] of Grace Church & co. and [[red underline]] McMillen and Mali [[/red underline]] This was lunch in honor of [[strikethrough]] comis [[/strikethrough]] [[rec underline]] commission of Belgian, French British and Italian businessmen. [[/red underline]] Afterwards went back to the [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] She was out and her hull cleaned of barnacles. 
Nov. 22. Celine is due back this morning. Nina went to fetch her in New York
Nov 23. Here all day. Prepared my [[red underline]] lecture [[/red underline]] for to morrow at [[red underline]] Columbia [[/red underline]]
Nov 24 Lectured in [[red underline]] Columbia on phenolic methylene condensation products [[/red underline]]