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Dec 15 Here all day. [[strikethrough]] Dece [[/strikethrough]] Medal of [[red underline]] Queen Elizabeth for Celine arrived here to day. [[/red underline]] 
[[two large red exclamation points in left margin]] 
To night at supper I surprised her with it. by putting on full evening dress and pinning it on her chest
Dec 16. Went with [[red underline]] Swan [[/red underline]] to Custom house to apply for my [[red underline]] passport. [[/red underline]] Very cold windy weather. Back here in Yonkers for lunch.
Dec 17. Here all day expediting work. Very cold. Lewis is waiting for Nina at the station, [[strikethrough]] ber [[/strikethrough]] disabled car in starting
Dec 18. Temperature below Zero F [[strikethrough]] centigrade [[/strikethrough]] 
At 3P.M an extra meeting Board Directors G.B Co in order to pass improved resolution as to sale of our R.R. bonds.
Met Dr. [[red underline]] Neville Munroe Hopkins [[/red underline]] of Washington at University Club He badly wants a job. says has lost his fortune just before the war
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[[strikethrough]] Dec. 19 [[/strikethrough]] Back home. Lewis reports motor car stalled at station waiting for Nina. Gear broken on fly wheel, car towed on at Shrine
Dec. 19. Lewis [[strikethrough]] busy all day and night [[/strikethrough]] takes his trunk to Pennsylvania ^[[station]] busy all day and night trying to fix the car.
Dec. 20. Lewis still working on the car. I went to NY for meeting advisory committee of [[red underline]] Societe de Chimie Industrielle [[/red underline]] Proposed [[red underline]] Bogert and Zanette [[/red underline]] as President & Vice president [[red underline]] Doremus, Dorr, Baskerville, Bogert [[/red underline]] and myself there 
Evening took supper at University Club
Dec 21 (Sunday) [[red underline]] George Roll [[/red underline]] arrived here yesterday. Made his acquaintance this morning at breakfast. [[red underline]] Makes a good impression. [[/red underline]] Lewis left for Miami