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Lewis went [[strikethrough]] after [[/strikethrough]] to Miami for the repaired magneto. Started on engine with renewed hope but in vain. Found 6 sparks for four cylinders, some of then firing together or twice in succession. Finally found magneto as delivered to be wrongly adjusted. It was thus last Sunday and must have been in that condition when Albert left. Did he tinker with it so as to give us trouble?  Worked uninterruptedly till dark with Guthrie, head machinist of Pilkington helping but no success. Tomorrow we shall try whether carburetor is right. I have also phoned for magneto expert of Bosch who comes tomorrow

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morning. Noisy neighborhood here with dredge etc. and two [[red underline]] West-Indian ships [[/red underline]] nearby hard up for overhaulers and their crew jabbering and talking all night. If we only could get away from here far from the wharf.
[[left margin in red vertically]] Cygnet [[/left margin]]
Dec 31. After examining the carburetor we finally succeeded in getting the motor to go but dynamo and [[red underline]] air whistle pump do not work [[/red underline]] We moved out and anchored in middle of river happy to be away from that noisy and dirty wharf. [[red underline]] Boat is taking in water [[/red underline]] too much in bilge A painful examination of the limber holes and bilge discloses water coming in thru exhaust outlet. [[red underline]] Albert had taken out muffle and [[/red underline]] replaced it with [[red underline]] pipe [[/red underline]] and