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four afternoon returned aboard with good appetite I ate [[red underline]] two lobster [[/red underline]] and several [[red underline]] stone crabs. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Spaye [[/strikethrough]] We also brought many large [[red underline]] conch shells. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] This [[/strikethrough]] I am all sunburt on neck and shoulders. [[red underline]] This begins to feel like old times. and real sport - To bed healthy and happy [[/red underline]] at 7 P.M.
Wind still maintains Easterly and barometer does not change Easterly winds are the steady winds in wintertime here While Southerly in summer
Jan 9. (Friday) Went out in the [[red underline]] Ocean [[/red underline]] for a few miles, trawling but caught nothing. There was quite some sea but [[red underline]] Cygnet [[/red underline]] behaved well. Afterwards anchored about 1/2 mile inside in the main channel
[[left margin in red]] Cygnet [[/left margin]]
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and fished using [[red underline]] conch bait [[/red underline]] First caught nothing then in rapid succession caught [[striekthrough]] 8 [[/strikethrough]] about 10 good sized grunts and one [[red underline]] sheep fish. [[/red underline]]
Evening went back to our former anchorage. tried to anchor near [[strikethrough]] Se [[/strikethrough]] sandy beach but bottom was too hard and too shallow so went back [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] somewhat near bridge
Jan 10. (Saturday) Dead calm this morning. The [[red underline]] sponger sloops are all out full sail this means quiet weather [[/red underline]] We went to anchor between [[red underline]] No Name key and First and [[/red underline]] Second of the [[strikethrough]] Summer [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Summerland Keys, [[/red underline]] just South of the cut. I went out working for [[red underline]] sponge and crawfish [[/red underline]] while Lewis fixed the air pump. Afternoon went out in the ocean trawling for about one hour. No success.