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Jan 13. Last night was a quiet restful night This morning is low tide pleasant weather. Easterly or N. Easterly winds.
[[red underline]] Concluded to go by ocean route to Long key. [[/red underline]] Passed thru [[red underline]] Bahia Honda [[/red underline]] viaduct about 9:10A.M.
[[left margin in red]] Cygnet [[/left margin]]
Tide against us and N.E. breeze - but Cygnet behaved very well. Near [[red underline]] Knight Key, [[/red underline]] Lewis caught [[red underline]] three large mackerel trolling [[/red underline]] might have caught many more but we had to keep on full speed.
At [[red underline]] viaduct at Long [[/red underline]] key concluded not to try the arches but go beyond under [[red underline]] draw bridge [[/red underline]] there to [[red underline]] Bow-Leg key - Cut [[/red underline]] this part between Long Island key and R.R
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embankment ought to make an excellent [[strikethrough]] shelere [[/strikethrough]] shelter - harbor for small craft. Its approaches need caution however - consult the chart. [[red underline]] Anchored [[/red underline]] at 5:45 in beautiful calm weather in [[red underline]] Bootle's Bay [[/red underline]] and feasted on fried mackerel In all about 8 3/4 hrs. run
Jan 14. Pleasant weather northerly breeze. Dinghy in tow left Bootle's Bay at 8A.M. hurried up of coffee and some biscuits for breakfast. Excellent opportunity for finishing observation of compas. on account of very clear weather and light wind Lost some time fixing clutch then everything went very smoothly all the way. Weather magnificent in [[red underline]] Cards Sound [[/red underline]] not even a ripple in the water